Capital Punishment
Your answers will remain COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL. Thank you for choosing to fill out this
Please use only 1 answer for
the multiple choice questions. If
answering in words is a possibility, please choose only one option unless
otherwise noted.
1. What is your gender?
□ Male □ Female
1. What is your age?
□ 14-16 □ 17-19 □ 20-24
□ 25-30 □ 31-35 □ 36-40
□ 41-45 □ 46-50 □ 51 or older
3. What is the highest level of education you
have achieved?
□ Some high school □ High school
□ Some
college/university □
□ Postgraduate
4. Which of the following political parties is
closest to your own beliefs?
□ NDP/Socialist □ Liberal/Democratic □ Centrist
□ Libertarian □ PC/Republican
5. What do you feel is the most important part
of justice? (choose either a box or type
in own answer)
□ Keeping the convicted
from being released into the public
□ Rehabilitating the
criminal, if possible
□ Punishing the
criminal for their act
6. Explain the term “capital punishment”. (type answer)
7. The purpose of imprisonment is to: (check the
boxes which apply, and/or write in the space provided)
□ Act as a deterrent to
future criminals □
Rehabilitate criminals
□ Keep the criminal
from hurting others
Other: (write in space below)
8. If you believe that capital punishment is a
deterrent to criminal actions, which keeps more criminals from committing
□ The fear of death □ The fear of the pain of
Other: (write in space below)
9. Should a victim’s family
be able to choose between a life sentence and the death penalty for a criminal,
allowing that either punishment is suitable?
□ Yes □ No □ Sometimes
Please explain your answer:
10. Is capital punishment permitted in your
province/state? (check one box only)
□ Yes (if yes, go to 10. a) □ No (if no, go to 10. b on next page)
□ Don’t know (skip all of question 10)
10. a) Do you
approve of the death penalty? (check one box only)
□ Yes □
i) If yes, why? (check boxes which apply,
and/or write in the space provided)
□ An eye for an eye is fair
□ It is more of a deterrent
than a life sentence
□ Keeping inmates in jail
is expensive
□ Executed criminals don’t escape and hurt
others again
ii) If
no, why? (check boxes which apply,
and/or write in the space provided)
□ Killing others for
revenge serves no purpose
□ It is less of a deterrent
than a life sentence
□ The appeals process takes
up too much court time
□ The appeals process is
too expensive
□ The possibility that an
innocent person may be executed
10. b) Do you
want capital punishment to be brought back? (check one box only)
□ Yes □
i) If yes, why? (check boxes which apply,
and/or write in the space provided)
□ An eye for an eye is fair
□ It is more of a deterrent
than a life sentence
□ Keeping inmates in jail
is expensive
□ Executed criminals don’t escape and hurt
others again
ii) If
no, why? (check boxes which apply,
and/or write in the space provided)
□ Killing others for
revenge serves no purpose
□ It is less of a deterrent
than a life sentence
□ The appeals process takes
up too much court time
□ The appeals process is
too expensive
□ The possibility that an
innocent person may be executed
11. If an inmate convicted of (a) violent
crime(s) escaped from his/her prison, how should they be dealt with? (check one box only, or write in space
□ Put them back in jail □ Put them back in jail
with no possibility of parole
□ Put them back in jail
with extended sentence, no possibility of parole
□ Death penalty
12. If an inmate convicted of (a) violent
crime(s) escaped from his/her prison and committed another violent crime, how
should they be treated? (check one box, or write in space provided)
□ Put them back in jail □ Put them back in jail
with no possibility of parole
□ Put them back in jail
with extended sentence, no possibility of parole
□ Death penalty
13. Have you ever been a victim of a violent
□ Yes – and it has
changed my views on capital punishment
□ Yes – and it has not
changed my views on capital punishment
□ No
□ Prefer not to answer
14. Do you know a relative or
friend who was a victim of a violent crime?
□ Yes – and it has
changed my views on capital punishment
□ Yes – and it has not
changed my views on capital punishment
□ No
□ Prefer not to answer
15. Do you feel that capital punishment is
humane? (check one box only)
□ Yes □ No
explain your answer:
16. Assuming that capital punishment is allowed
by law, should there be instances where a criminal who normally would receive
the death penalty should not receive it?
□ Yes □ No
i) If yes,
name instances where you feel this would be fair (write in the space below)
17. If a jury is unwilling to impose the death
sentence on the defendant, should the judge have the power to do so? (check one box only)
□ Yes □ No □ Undecided
18. Do you know of any instances when a person
was executed for crimes they did not commit?
□ Yes □ No
19. If capital punishment is permitted in your
province/state, and if there are death row inmates who have not had modern
forensic (scientific) tests to prove their guilt, should they be allowed to
have another appeal? (check one box only) – skip if capital punishment is
□ Yes □ No
20. Do you have any final comments about capital
Thank you very much for your
time. Have a nice day!